Shiny is RStudio’s framework for creating interactive graphics and web-like applications. There are several ways to use Shiny, and we’re going to focus on how to use it in conjunction with flexdashboard to make interactive dashboards within R Markdown.

This page is related to content in plotly and dashboards.

Some slides

Shiny from Jeff Goldsmith.


As always, I’ll work on today’s example in a GitHub repo + local directory / R Project. This template will be the starting point for the flexdashboard we’ll be creating today; create a new .Rmd file with this structure and put it in your directory.

title: "Shiny Dashboard"
    orientation: columns
    vertical_layout: fill
runtime: shiny

```{r setup, include=FALSE}

Column {.sidebar}



Column {data-width=650}

### Chart A



Column {data-width=350}

### Chart B



### Chart C



This is very similar to the usual flexdashboard template, with some small changes. First, we’ve added runtime: shiny to the YAML header. Second, we are using slightly different layout because we have a sidebar column which will hold our input widgets.

I’ll add the following libraries to the template, but we won’t need much else.

## Loading required package: viridisLite


As in plotly and dashboards, we’re going to focus on the Airbnb data. Our goal is to make a dashboard similar to the one produced there, but with interactive elements in place of hard-coded data manipulation choices.

Data import

The code below loads and cleans the data, and selects only a few of the variables.


nyc_airbnb = 
  nyc_airbnb |> 
  mutate(rating = review_scores_location / 2) |>
  rename(latitude = lat, longitude = long) |>
    boro = neighbourhood_group, neighbourhood, rating, price, room_type,
    latitude, longitude) |>

Previously, we chose to focus on Manhattan rentals in a certain price range, and included those choices in our data manipulation. Now, we’re going to filter the dataset interactively based on user input, and use the resulting dataset as the basis for our plots.

Input widgets

We’ll place code for widgets in the sidebar, but this is a stylistic choice and they could be placed elsewhere in the dashboard.

The selectInput widget creates a drop-down menu with choices for the user to select from. By adding the code in the chunk below to the sidebar panel in the dashboard, we can obtain user input regarding the borough of interest.

boros = nyc_airbnb |> distinct(boro) |> pull()

# selectInput widget
  label = h3("Select boro"),
  choices = boros, selected = "Manhattan")

Now a user can select each of the different boros in New York, although it’s not clear yet where this input goes. In the background, Shiny is creating an object called input of class reactivevalues – it’s not critical that you know much about this, but it’s something you can treat like a named list and use inside render functions. The “named” part matters, too – your input widget names are how you access elements of the input object.

Try adding the code below to one of the panels (later we’ll use these for plots, but for now it’s helpful to get a sense for how Shiny works).


This produces a string containing the selected borough, and updates when a user manipulates the input widget.

The sliderInput function produces a slider input widget. We’ll use this to get a user-specified price range, but if you provide only a single initial value it will produce a “regular” slider. Add this slider input to the sidebar, and then modify your renderPrint code chunk to examine the value of input[["price_range"]].

max_price = 1000
min_price = nyc_airbnb |> distinct(price) |> min()
# sliderInput widget
  label = h3("Choose price range"), 
  min = min_price, max = max_price, value = c(100, 400))

The last input widget we’ll look at is radioButtons, which is helpful for getting users to select among several options. As with the preceeding inputs, add a chunk containing the code below to the sidebar and then update the renderPrint function to inspect the behavior of this widget.

room_choice = nyc_airbnb |> distinct(room_type) |> pull()

# radioButtons widget
  label = h3("Choose room type"),
  choices = room_choice, selected = "Entire home/apt")

For other types of widgets (and there are lots!) check out the widget gallery.

Reactive plots

In plotly and dashboards, we made plots showing rental locations, number of rentals in each neighborhood, and the price range of rentals in some neighborhoods. We’re going to make similar plots now, but we want these to update based on user inputs.

We’ll start with the plot_ly scatterplot showing rental location and prices. As a first step, replace the renderText code in your dashboard with the renderPlotly code below.

  nyc_airbnb |>
  mutate(text_label = str_c("Price: $", price, '\nRating: ', rating)) |> 
    x = ~longitude, y = ~latitude, type = "scatter", mode = "markers",
    alpha = 0.5, color = ~price, text = ~text_label)

The plot does appear, but we haven’t incorporated user input yet. To do that, we’ll add some data manipuation that uses the input object produced by the Shiny input widgets.

  nyc_airbnb |>
    boro == input$boro_choice, 
    price %in% input$price_range[1]:input$price_range[2],
    room_type == input$room_choice) |>
  mutate(text_label = str_c("Price: $", price, '\nRating: ', rating)) |> 
    x = ~longitude, y = ~latitude, type = "scatter", mode = "markers",
    alpha = 0.5, color = ~price, text = ~text_label)

Learning Assessment:

Update the following boxplot code to react to user input and add it to your dashboard.

  nyc_airbnb |> 
    count(neighbourhood) |> 
    mutate(neighbourhood = fct_reorder(neighbourhood, n)) |> 
    plot_ly(x = ~neighbourhood, y = ~n, color = ~neighbourhood, type = "bar")

The code chunk below, when added to the dashboard, will update the bar chart based on user input.

  nyc_airbnb |> 
      boro == input$boro_choice, 
      price %in% input$price_range[1]:input$price_range[2],
      room_type == input$room_choice) |>
    count(neighbourhood) |> 
    mutate(neighbourhood = fct_reorder(neighbourhood, n)) |> 
    plot_ly(x = ~neighbourhood, y = ~n, color = ~neighbourhood, type = "bar")

Lastly, the code provided below will produce a reactive boxplot showing price ranges in popular neighborhoods in the selected borough.

  common_neighborhoods =
    nyc_airbnb |> 
      boro == input$boro_choice,
      price %in% input$price_range[1]:input$price_range[2],
      room_type == input$room_choice) |>
    count(neighbourhood, sort = TRUE) |> 
    top_n(8) |> 

  nyc_airbnb |>
      boro == input$boro_choice,
      price %in% input$price_range[1]:input$price_range[2],
      room_type == input$room_choice) |>
    inner_join(., common_neighborhoods, by = "neighbourhood") |> 
    plot_ly(y = ~price, color = ~neighbourhood, type = "box")

Now you have a flexdashboard with Shiny elements!

Debugging Shiny documents

As you’ve probably noticed by now, debugging Shiny documents is a hassle. The code depends on an input object, so testing individual lines isn’t easy – I often have to create “placeholder” inputs when building plots and other outputs, and then make sure these plots react to changing user inputs. This was the approach in the Airbnb dashboard, where I started with “working” plots and then updated them to include input values. I also typically double check (via printing) that the input object itself behaves the way I’m expecting.

All that said, though, it can be frustrating to make these “work”

A/B testing dashboard

One of my favorite data science products is Julia Silge’s dashboard looking at power in A/B tests, which is explained in the accompanying blog post. I like this because it conveys real statistical concerns about power, sample size, and effect size in a user-friendly way. It’s also coded very nicely and made public for anyone to inspect, edit, or use.

The code for the dashboard is printed below; create a new .Rmd file and copy this code to reproduce the dashboard yourself.

title: "How do we measure differences?"
runtime: shiny
    theme: cosmo
    orientation: columns
    vertical_layout: fill
    source_code: embed
```{r setup, include=FALSE}

Column {.sidebar}
How are sample size, effect size, false positive, and false negative rates related?
The power of a test ($P$, $1-\beta$) is the probability that a test will detect an effect, if an effect is really there. When your power is high, your false negative rate is low.

The significance level of a test ($\alpha$) is the probability that a test will detect an effect, if an effect is really *not* there. When your significance level is low, your false positive rate is low.

We would like to not be fooled too often by either false negatives or false positives, so we choose large enough sample sizes for the effect size we expect to see.

#### Move the sliders to explore the relationships

sliderInput("Power", "Power threshold", min = 1, max = 99, 
            value = 80, post = "%")

sliderInput("SigLevel", "Significance level", min = 1, max = 20, 
            value = 5, post = "%")

sliderInput("Baseline", "Baseline conversion rate", min = 1, max = 50, 
            value = 10, post = "%")

The sample sizes here are per variation (A and B in an A/B test), not the test as a whole.

### Power calculation {data-height=800}

  seq(1000, 1e4, by = 1000) %>%
    map_df(~ power.prop.test(p1 = input$Baseline / 100,
                             p2 = seq(input$Baseline / 100, input$Baseline * 1.5 / 100, 
                             n = .x, 
                             power = NULL, 
                             sig.level = input$SigLevel / 100) %>%
             tidy()) %>%
    mutate(effect = (p2 / p1 - 1)) %>%
    ggplot(aes(effect, power, color = n, group = n)) + 
    geom_hline(yintercept = input$Power / 100, linetype = 2, color = "gray50", alpha = 0.5, size = 1.5) +
    geom_line(size = 1.5, alpha = 0.7) +
    theme_minimal(base_size = 18) +
    scale_y_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format(),
                       limits = c(0, NA)) +
    scale_x_continuous(labels = scales::percent_format()) +
    scale_color_gradient(high = "#0077CC", low = "#B8E0C5",
                         labels = scales::comma_format()) +
    labs(x = "Effect size (relative % change in rate)", y = "Power", color = "Sample size") 

### With those parameters, you can measure... {data-height=200}

  seq(1000, 1e4, by = 1000) %>%
    map_df(~ power.prop.test(p1 = input$Baseline / 100,
                             p2 = NULL, 
                             n = .x, 
                             power = input$Power / 100, 
                             sig.level = input$SigLevel / 100) %>%
             tidy()) %>%
    mutate(effect = scales::percent(p2 / p1 - 1),
           n = scales::comma(n)) %>% 
    select(`A relative % change of` = effect, 
           `With a sample size in each group of` = n)

There are a few user inputs controlling the desired power level, alpha level, and the baseline conversion rate (which is the probability of “success” in the reference group). Given these inputs, code chunks compute power for given sample sizes over a dense grid on effect sizes using purrr functions, power.prop.test, and broom::tidy; the results are plotted using ggplot or printed as a table.

Hosting Shiny documents

Unfortunately, you can’t email Shiny-based HTML files like you can a static HTML file generated by R Markdown. This is because Shiny-based documents need to run R locally. However, you can host them through A slightly fancier version of the Shiny-based Airbnb flexdashboard for this class is hosted here, and Julia Silge’s A/B testing dashboard is hosted on as well. has a free user level and will host your app as long as it’s relatively small and has limited usage. Deploying an app to requires you to create an account and connect it to RStudio, but it’s not too bad – this walkthrough will help.

Shiny apps

So far we’ve focused on adding Shiny to a flexdashboard. We refer to our completed dashboard as a Shiny document. However, there other ways to use Shiny, and the most common is to make a Shiny application, or app. So you know how these work, we’re going to make a super-simple app; if you are interested in making a more complicated Shiny app, check out the resources included below.

Shiny apps use .R files, rather than .Rmd. You can initialize a Shiny app from RStudio using File > New File > Shiny Web App. This will create a template app consisting of a ui object and a server object; in some cases these are stored in separate ui.R and server.R files, but that’s not necessary. The ui object controls the app layout, includes the input widgets, and displays any outputs. The server object holds the code that performs computations on input elements and produces an output object.

Given ui and server, the command

shinyApp(ui = ui, server = server)

will run the app.

Shiny apps can be quite flexible, if a little harder to get used to that Shiny documents, and can be hosted online through as well.

Other materials

  • For more on using flexdashboards with Shiny, here’s a tutorial
  • There are also several examples of people making these types flexdashboards, many which incorporate Shiny
  • This guide (linked above) will help in hosting your shiny document or app online through
  • For more on making Shiny apps, check out R Studio’s tutorial, or this one
  • This gallery of Shiny apps might be a useful inspiration!

The code that I produced working examples in lecture is here.